Nationwide Coverage
Wisemove Logis4cs car delivery service is here to help with UK na4onal car deliveries.
Inter-Dealer Trade Movement
We offer trade plate movements of all cars and commercial vehicles throughout the UK.
End Customer Deliveries
WIsemove logistics offer a full customer hand-over service for retail customers.

Years of Experience
- Wisemove Logistics The service is both efficient and competitively priced.
- This is supported by the latest technology which provides clients with a portal into our in-house operating system allowing visibility of the assets as a customer throughout the process.
- With many years’ experience within our team we offer clients our expertise to bring you the latest technology and commercial efficiencies.
- We specialise in dealer to dealer,dealer to customer and customer to dealer deliveries including our full customer hand-over service for retail customers.
Why Wisemove Logistics?
Our professional, experienced and Fully trained drivers will arrive at the collection point and complete an appraisal, including checking that all the documentation required for the vehicle to be moved is present before driving it to your chosen destination. Deliveries to retail customers can be pre-booked to ensure delivery takes place a specific time and day.
- Full insurance cover to £100,000.00
- Nationwide car delivery service
- POD system (100% paperless)
- Monthly license check

Our Clients